Differences Between Human Hair & Synthetic Hair Wigs

Differences Between Human Hair Wigs & Synthetic Wigs

If you are considering purchasing a wig for the first time, the process can seem overwhelming. Why do you want a wig? When will you wear it? Will it look natural? Can I style and color it? Should I choose a human hair wig or a synthetic wig?

Human Hair or Synthetic Hair

One of the first decisions you will need to make when purchasing a wig is what type of hair you want: human hair or synthetic. The question is not which type of hair is better than the other because given the state of today’s wig making technology, both are very good. The question, rather, is which one are you most comfortable with, and which works best for you and your situation if you are suffering from female hair loss.

Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs, as you might imagine, have the advantage because generally they look more natural. After all, we’re talking about real human hair. Yes, the hair in the wig may have gone through some rather nasty chemical processing, had its cuticles removed, and be more expensive than synthetic hair wigs, but with adequate care, they can last for up to three years or more. And depending upon how well they are made, they will maintain a soft, natural feel, fall and move naturally like your own hair, and can be colored and styled any way you like.

Synthetic Hair Wigs

Of course, today’s top quality synthetic hair wigs can look, feel, and move just like natural growing human hair as well. Plus, synthetic hair wigs have some distinct advantages. For example, unlike human hair wigs, they can keep their styling even after washing which can be very convenient when it comes to daily wear. Many people, when asked, say they can’t tell the difference between human hair and synthetic wigs. While generally speaking, synthetic wigs cannot be styled or re-colored, this is not always the case, particularly with higher quality synthetic wigs. And when it comes to synthetic hair, curling irons are an absolute no-no since they will literally melt the hair.  But by and large, caring for your synthetic wig is no more difficult and, in many ways, easier than caring for a human hair wig.  And if your particular situation makes it appropriate, synthetic hair wigs can be a perfect solution for your needs. Quality synthetic wigs can be wonderful for people undergoing chemotherapy treatments or suffering from alopecia or trichotillomania.

Wigs & Women’s Hair Replacement Solutions in Boston

Finding a wig that suits your needs and works for you – whether it is a natural human hair wig, or a synthetic hair wig need not be an overwhelmingly complicated process. Our Boston Hair Restoration & Wig Specialists are here for you to make the whole process comfortable, reassuring, and easy. We encourage you to schedule a private consultation with one of our wig specialists who will work with you to find the perfect wig for you, address your concerns, and answer your questions fully.

Trichotillomania & Stress

Trichotillomania, Stress, & Hair Pulling

Trichotillomania, also known as “hair-pulling syndrome” or “pathological hair-pulling,” is an impulse control disorder with the irrepressible urge to pull out one’s hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and other parts of the body. Is trichotillomania related to stress? Can stress cause it? Keep reading to find out.

Symptoms of Trichotillomania

The most common signs and symptoms of trichotillomania include:

  • An overpowering urge to pull hair from the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs, etc.
  • Tension before pulling hair or when trying to resist the urge.
  • Relief, satisfaction, or delight after pulling hair.
  • Distress and/or issues at home and work due to hair pulling.
  • Bald patches where the hair has been pulled.
  • Excessive eating, twirling, or chewing on the hair.

Trichotillomania and Stress

Although the exact cause of trichotillomania is unknown, it might relate to brain pathway changes linking the areas that control impulses to those that manage emotions, movements, and habits. This type of hair loss is more common in young women than any other demographic group. But there is hope in that many young women have found that an undetectable wig or hair piece allows them to lead a normal life. It also breaks the urge to pull hair since it deprives the sufferer of the sensory perception of hair being pulled as well. We have helped a number of women in the Peabody, Massachusetts and Saugus Boston North Shore area in this manner.

Stress is a significant risk factor for trichotillomania, and you might find that it’s triggered by family conflict, abuse, or the death of a friend or family member.

Many people with trichotillomania describe the buildup of tension and stress, with the only relief from pulling the hair. Even though you can tell when you’re dealing with stress, you might not recognize its impact on your mental and physical health. For example, if your stress is not dealt with properly, it can manifest in other harmful ways, like compulsive hair pulling.

How to Reduce Stress

Here are some simple ways to keep stress in check:

  • Get outside! — Fresh air does wonders for stress levels. A quick walk around the block or an afternoon meeting in the sun can take some of the burden off your shoulders.
  • Bring home a furry friend — Dogs and cats can be extremely helpful for our emotional health and stress levels. They can also ease loneliness, reduce depression, and encourage exercise and playfulness.
  • Break a sweat — Exercise is another natural stress reliever that you can do without extra equipment or too much of a time or money commitment. Aim for 30 minutes per day, even if it’s a walk to the park with your pet or a bike ride to your favorite bakery.
  • Talk to a health care provider — If your stress won’t go away and you can’t control your impulses to pull your hair, contact a health care provider; they can help you develop a plan to bust the stress and hair-pulling compulsions.

If you’re suffering from hair loss related to trichotillomania, know that help is available. Contact us today. We can help